Course Papers
This list includes many of the most important networking papers of the last 40 years. Don't worry,
you won't have to read them all. The course webpage will tell you which papers you need to read
(since the list may change year to year).
- [LCC+15]
Stevens Le Blond, David Choffnes, William Caldwell, Peter Druschel, Nicholas Merritt. Herd: A Scalable, Traffic Analysis Resistant Anonymity
Network for VoIP Systems. In Proceedings of SIGCOMM (SIGCOMM '15). August 2015.
- [GSHR+13]
Sharon Goldberg, Michael Schapira, Peter Hummon, and Jennifer Rexford.
How secure are secure interdomain routing protocols
In Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM 2010.
- [LCZ+13]
Stevens Le Blond, David Choffnes, Wenxuan Zhou, Peter Druschel, Hitesh Ballani, Paul Francis.
Towards Efficient Traffic-analysis Resistant Anonymity Networks
In Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM 2013.
- [QWG+10]
Feng Qian, Zhaoguang Wang, Alexandre Gerber, Zhuoqing Morley Mao, Subhabrata Sen, and Oliver Spatscheck.
Characterizing radio resource allocation for 3G networks
In Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement (IMC '10)
- [JST+09]
Van Jacobson, Diana K. Smetters, James D. Thornton, Michael F. Plass,
Nicholas H. Briggs, Rebecca L. Braynard
Networking Named Content
In CoNEXT 2009
- [KN10]
Gunnar Kreitz, Fredrik Niemela
Spotify – Large Scale, Low Latency, P2P
Music-on-Demand Streaming
In P2P 2010
- [LLSB08]
Dave Levin, Katrina LaCurts, Neil Spring, Bobby Bhattacharjee
BitTorrent is an Auction:
Analyzing and Improving BitTorrent’s Incentives
- [CAR13]
Thomas Callahan, Mark Allman, Michael Rabinovich
On modern DNS behavior and properties
In SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review , Volume 43 Issue 3, 2013
- [KWNP10]
C. Kreibich, N. Weaver, B. Nechaev, V. Paxson
Netalyzr: Illuminating The Edge Network
In Proc. of Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), 2010
- [WB13]
Keith Winstein and Hari Balakrishnan
TCP ex Machina: Computer-Generated Congestion Control
In Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM 2013.
- [P85]
Radia Perlman
An algorithm for distributed computation of a spanningtree in an extended LAN
In Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, September 1985.
- [KSC+12]
Ethan Katz-Bassett, Colin Scott, David R. Choffnes, Italo Cunha, Vytautas Valancius, Nick Feamster, Harsha Madhyastha, Thomas Anderson, Arvind Krishnamurthy.
Improving Internet Availability with LIFEGUARD
In Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM 2012 (SIGCOMM), August 2012.
- [CR04]
Matt Caesar and Jen Rexford
BGP routing policies in ISP networks
In IEEE Network Magazine, special issue on interdomain routing, November/December 2005
- [FR04]
Nick Feamster and Jen Rexford
A model of BGP routing for network engineering
In Proc. ACM SIGMETRICS, June 2004.
- [LIMOJ+06]
Labovitz, Craig and Iekel-Johnson, Scott and McPherson, Danny and Oberheide, Jon and Jahanian, Farnam
Internet inter-domain traffic
In Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM 2010, September 2010.
- [SCKB+06]
Ao-Jan Su, David R. Choffnes, Alekzandar Kuzmanovic and Fabián E. Bustamante.
Drafting Behind Akamai (Travelocity-Based Detouring)
In Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM 2006, September 2006.
- [FRZ+13]
Nick Feamster, Jennifer Rexford, Ellen Zegura
The Road to SDN: An intellectual history of programmable networks
ACM Queue, 2013.
- [HHHMJ+12]
Te-Yuan Huang, Nikhil Handigol, Brandon Heller, Nick McKeown, and Ramesh Johari
Confused, Timid, and Unstable: Picking a Video Streaming Rate is Hard
Proc. of IMC, 2012.
- [WF+11]
Patrick Wendell and Michael J. Freedman,
Going Viral: Flash Crowds in an Open CDN
Proc. of IMC, 2011.
- [FFM+04]
Michael J. Freedman, Eric Freudenthal, and David Mazieres,
Democratizing Content Publication with Coral
Proc. of NSDI, 2004.
- [KLL+97]
David Karger, Eric Lehman, Tom Leighton, Matthew Levine, Daniel Lewin, and Rina Panigrahy,
Consistent Hashing and Random Trees:
Distributed Caching Protocols for Relieving Hot Spots on the World Wide Web
Proc. of STOC, 1997.
- [SCCG+09]
Brett Stone-Gross, Marco Cova, Lorenzo Cavallaro, Bob Gilbert, Martin Szydlowski,
Richard Kemmerer, Christopher Kruegel, and Giovanni Vigna,
Your Botnet is My Botnet: Analysis of a Botnet Takeover
Proc. of CCS, 2009.
- [KKLE+08]
Chris Kanich, Christian Kreibich, Kirill Levchenko, Brandon Enright,
Geoffrey M. Voelker, Vern Paxson, and Stefan Savage,
Spamalytics: An Empirical Analysis of Spam Marketing Conversion
Proc. of CCS, 2008.
- [FPPS+07]
Jason Franklin, Vern Paxson, Adrian Perrig, and Stefan Savage,
An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Internet Miscreants
Proc. of CCS, 2007.
- [DMS+04]
Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson, and Paul Syverson,
Tor: The Second-Generation Onion Router
Proc. of USENIX Security, 2004.
- [SGG+03]
Stefan Saroiu, P. Krishna Gummadi, and Steven D. Gribble,
A Measurement Study of Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Systems
Proc. of SOSP, 2003.
- [C+03]
Bram Cohen,
Incentives Build Robustness in BitTorrent
", 2003.
- [B+95]
Steven Bellovin,
Using the Domain Name System for System Break-ins
Proc. of USENIX Security, 1995.
- [LLS+08]
Dave Levin, Katrina LaCurts, Neil Spring, and Bobby Bhattacharjee,
BitTorrent is an Auction: Analyzing and Improving BitTorrent's Incentives
Proc. of SIGCOMM, 2008.
- [ACR+10]
Hussam Abu-Libdeh,
Paolo Costa,
Antony Rowstron,
Greg O'Shea,
and Austin Donnelly,
"Symbiotic Routing in Future Data Centers
Proc. of SIGCOMM, 2010.
- [ZZZ+12]
Xia Zhou, Zengbin Zhang, Yibo Zhu, Yubo Li, Saipriya Kumar, Amin Vahdat, Ben Y. Zhao, and Haitao Zheng,
"Mirror Mirror on the Ceiling:
Flexible Wireless Links for Data Centers",
Proc. of SIGCOMM, 2012.
- [FPR+10]
Nathan Farrington, George Porter, Sivasankar Radhakrishnan,
Hamid Hajabdolali Bazzaz, Vikram Subramanya, Yeshaiahu Fainman,
George Papen, and Amin Vahdat,
"Helios: A Hybrid Electrical/Optical Switch
Architecture for Modular Data Centers",
Proc. of SIGCOMM, 2010.
- [CZZ+10]
Binbin Chen, Ziling Zhou, Yuda Zhao, and Haifeng Yu,
"Efficient Error Estimating Coding:
Feasibility and Applications",
Proc. of SIGCOMM, 2010.
- [AGM+10]
Mohammad Alizadeh, Albert Greenberg, David A. Maltz, Jitendra Padhye, Parveen Patel, Balaji Prabhakar,
Sudipta Sengupta, and Murari Sridharan,
"Data Center TCP (DCTCP)",
Proc. of SIGCOMM, 2010.
- [ABF+08]
David G. Andersen, Hari Balakrishnan, Nick Feamster, Teemu Koponen, Daekyeong Moon, and Scott Shenker,
"Accountable Internet Protocol (AIP)",
Proc. of SIGCOMM, 2008.
- [ABD+09]
Bhavish Aggarwal, Ranjita Bhagwan, Tathagata Das, Siddharth Eswaran, Venkata N. Padmanabhan, Geoffrey M. Voelker,
"NetPrints: Diagnosing Home Network Misconfigurations Using Shared Knowledge", Proc. USENIX
Symposium on Networked System Design and Implementation (NSDI), May 2009.
- [ACK+05] T. Anderson, A. Collins, A.
Krishnamurthy and J. Zahorjan, "PCP: Efficient Endpoint Congestion Control", Proc. USENIX
Symposium on Networked System Design and Implementation (NSDI), May 2005.
- [AFK+09] David G. Andersen,
Jason Franklin, Michael Kaminsky, Amar Phanishayee, Lawrence Tan, Vijay
Vasudevan, "FAWN: A Fast Array of Wimpy Nodes", Proc. of
ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles (SOSP), October 2009.
- [AL+06] Ian F. Akyildiz,
Won-Yeol Lee, Mehmet C. Vuran, Shantidev Mohanty, "NeXt Generation /
Dynamic Spectrum Access / Cognitive Radio Wireless Networks: A Survey",
Computer Networks Journal, 50 (2006), pgs. 2127-2159.
- [ALV08] M. Al-Fares, A.
Loukissas, A. Vahdat, " A Scalable, Commodity Data Center Network
Architecture", Proc. of SIGCOMM 2008.
- [BCD+97] A. Brodnik, S. Carlsson, M.
Degermark, and S. Pink, "Small Forwarding Tables for Fast Routing
Lookups", ACM SIGCOMM 1997. Pages 3-14.
- [CJ89] D.-M. Chiu and R. Jain, "Analysis
of the Increase and Decrease Algorithms for Congestion Avoidance
in Computer Networks", Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Vol. 17,
1989, pp. 1-14.
- [CK74] V.G. Cerf and R.E. Kahn, "A
Protocol for Packet Network Interconnection", IEEE Transaction on Communications,
22(5), May 1974, pp. 637-648.
- [Cla88] D. Clark, "The Design Philosophy
of the DARPA Internet Protocols", SIGCOMM, 106-114, Palo Alto,
CA, Sept 1988.
- [CWS+02]
D. Clark, J. Wroclawski, K. Sollins and R. Braden, "Tussle in
Cyberspace: Defining Tomorrow's Internet," SIGCOMM 2002.
- [DCK+04]
F. Dabek, R. Cox, F. Kaashoek and R. Morris, "Vivaldi: A Decentralized Network
Coordinate System," SIGCOMM 2004.
- [DKS89] A. Demers, S. Keshav, and S.
Shenker, "Analysis and Simulation of a Fair Queueing Algorithm",
Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM'89, pp 3-12.
- [DH+07] G. DeCandia,
D. Hastorun, M. Jampani, G. Kakulapati, A. Lakshman, A. Pilchin,
S. Sivasubramanian, P. Vosshall and W. Vogels, "Dynamo: Amazon's Highly Available
Key-Value Store", Proceedings of SOSP 2007.
- [DZD03] F. Dabek, B. Y. Zhao, P.
Druschel, J. D. Kubiatowicz and I. Stoica, "Towards a Common API for Structured P2P
Overlays", Proc. of IPTPS, Berkeley, CA, February 2003.
- [FJ93] S. Floyd and V. Jacobson, "Random
Early Detection gateways for Congestion Avoidance" IEEE/ACM Transactions
on Networking, 1(4):397-413 August 1993.
- [GK08] S. Gollakota and
D. Katabi, "Zigzag decoding: combating hidden terminals in wireless
networks", Proc. of SIGCOMM 2008
- [GM+04] K. P. Gummadi,
H. V. Madhyastha, S. D. Gribble, H. M. Levy, and D. Wetherall, "Improving the
Reliability of Internet Paths with One-hop Source Routing", Proc. of OSDI 2004.
- [GY+06]
Diwaker Gupta, Kenneth Yocum, Marvin McNett,
Alex C. Snoeren, Amin Vahdat, and Geoffrey M. Voelker, "To Infinity and
Beyond: Time-Warped Network Emulation", Proc. of NSDI 2006.
- [GSW02] T. G. Griffin, F. B. Shepherd and
G. Wilfong, "The Stable Paths Problem and Interdomain Routing", IEEE Transactions on
Networking, April 2002.
- [HJP+10] Sangjin Han, Keon Jang, KyoungSoo Park, and Sue Moon,
"PacketShader: a GPU-Accelerated Software Router", Proc. of SIGCOMM 2010.
- [HKP+11] D. Halperin, S.
Kandula, J. Padhye, V. Bahl, and D. Wetherall, "Augmenting Data Center
Networks with Multi-gigabit Wireless Links," Proc. of SIGCOMM 2011.
- [IGE00] C.
Intanagonwiwat, R. Govindan
and D. Estrin, "Directed diffusion: A scalable and robust communication paradigm for
sensor networks," Proc. of MobiCom 2000.
- [Jac88] V. Jacobson, "Congestion
Avoidance and Control", SIGCOMM '88, Sept. 1988, pp. 314-329.
- [Joh95] D. Johnson, "Scalable
Support for Transparent Mobile Host Internetworking", in Mobile
Computing, Wireless Networks, Vol 1, October 1995, pp. 311-321.
- [KHR02] D. Katabi, M. Handley, C. Rohr,
"Congestion Control for High Bandwidth-Delay Product Networks". SIGCOMM, 2002.
- [KR+06]Sachin Katti,
Hariharan Rahul, Wenjun Hu, Dina Katabi, Muriel Medard, Jon Crowcroft, "XORs in
The Air: Practical Wireless Network Coding".
SIGCOMM, 2006.
- [LAA+01] Craig Labovitz, Abha Ahuja,
Abhijit Bose, Farnam Jahanian, "Delayed Internet Routing Convergence", IEEE/ACM
Transactions on Networking, Vol. 9, No. 3 (April 2001), Pages 293-306.
- [LPC+04] P. Levis, N. Patel, D.
Culler and S. Shenker, "Trickle: A
Self-Regulating Algorithm for Code propagation and Maintenance in Wireless Sensor
Networks," Proc. of Symposium on Networked System Design and Implementation (NSDI),
- [MKF+06]
Priya Mahadevan , Dmitri Krioukov, Kevin Fall, and Amin Vahdat.
"Systematic Topology Analysis and Generation Using Degree Correlations".
ACM SIGCOMM, September 2006.
- [MWA02]
Ratul Mahajan, David Wetherall, Tom Anderson.
"Understanding BGP Misconfiguration".
ACM SIGCOMM, August 2002.
- [Pax96] V. Paxson, "End-to-End Routing
Behavior in the Internet". ACM SIGCOMM '96, August 1996, Stanford,
- [PCB+98] C. Partridge et. al., "A 50-Gb/s
IP router", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 6, No. 3
(June 1998), Pages 237-248.
- [PF95] V.
Paxson and S. Floyd, "Wide-Area Traffic: The Failure of Poisson Modeling", IEEE/ACM
Transactions on Networking, 3(3): 226-244, 1995.
- [RD+07] Robert Ricci,
Jonathon Duerig, Pramod Sanaga, Daniel Gebhardt, Mike Hibler, Kevin
Atkinson, Junxing Zhang, Sneha Kasera, Jay Lepreau, "The Flexlab Approach to Realistic Evaluation
of Networked Systems", Proc. of NSDI 2007.
- [REG+03] S. Rhea, P. Eaton, D. Geels,
H. Weatherspoon, B. Y. Zhao, and J. D. Kubiatowicz, "Pond: The OceanStore Prototype", Proceedings of the USENIX Conference on File and Storage
Technologies (FAST'03), March 2003.
- [SB00] A. Snoeren and H. Balakrishnan, "An
End-to-End Approach to Host Mobility", Proc. ACM MOBICOM, Boston, MA,
August 2000.
- [SC+05] L. Subramanian,
M. Caesar, C. Tien Ee, M. Handley, Z. M. Mao, S. Shenker, I. Stoica,
"HLP: A Next-generation Interdomain Routing Protocol", Proc. of SIGCOMM, 2005.
- [SEV+04]S. Singh, C. Estan, G.
Varghese and S. Savage, "Automated Worm Fingerprinting," Proc. of OSDI 2004.
- [SG04] A. Shaikh and A. Greenberg, "OSPF
Monitoring: Architecture, Design and Deployment Experience", Proc. of
Symposium on Networked System Design and Implementation (NSDI), March
- [SIG+02] A. Shaikh, C. Isett, A. Greenberg, M.
Roughan and J. Gottlieb, "A Case Study of OSPF Behavior in a Large Enterprise
Network. Proc. ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Workshop (IMW),
pp. 217-230, November 2002.
- [SMK+01] I. Stoica, R.
Morris, D. Karger, M. Kaashoek, H. Balakrishnan, "Chord: A Scalable Peer-to-peer
Lookup Service for Internet Applications," Proc. ACM SIGCOMM, August 2001.
- [SPW02] S. Staniford, V. Paxson and N. Weaver, "How to 0wn the Internet in Your Spare Time," Proc. of USENIX Security, 2002.
- [SRC84] J. Saltzer, D. Reed, and D.
Clark, "End-to-end Arguments in System Design". ACM Transactions on Computer
Systems (TOCS), Vol. 2, No. 4, 1984, pp. 195-206.
- [SZ99] I. Stoica and H. Zhang,
"Providing Guaranteed Services Without Per Flow Management". ACM SIGCOMM'99, Boston, MA, September 1999.
- [VYW+02] A. Vahdat, K.
Yocum, K. Walsh, P. Mahadevan, D. Kostic, J. Chase and D. Becker, "Scalability and
Accuracy in a Large-Scale Network Emulator," Proc. of OSDI 2002.
- [W99] D. Wetherall, "Active network vision and reality: lessons
from a capsule-based system," Proc. of SOSP 1999.
- [WA+04] M. K. Wright, M. Adler, B. N. Levine, C. Shields, "An
analysis of the degradation of anonymous protocols," Proc. of NDSS 2002.
- [WBKR11]
C. Wilson, H. Ballani, T. Karagiannis, and A. Rowstron, "Better Never
than Late: Meeting Deadlines in Datacenter Networks," Proc. of SIGCOMM,
- [XYA09] Yinglian Xie, Fang Yu, Martin Abadi,
"De-anonymizing the Intenet using unreliable IDs," Proc. of SIGCOMM 2009.
- [YKG+06] H. Yu, M. Kaminsky, P. B. Gibbons, A.
Flaxman, "SybilGuard: Defending Against Sybil Attacks
via Social Networks," Proc. of SIGCOMM 2006.
- [YKL04] F. Yu, R. H. Katz, and T. V. Lakshman, "Gigabit rate
packet pattern-matching using TCAM," Proc. of ICNP 2004.
- [ZDE+93] L. Zhang, S. Deering, D.
Estrin, S. Shenker, and D. Zappala, "RSVP: A New Resource Reservation
Protocol", IEEE Communications Magazine, 31(9):8-18, September 1993.
- [ZHS+04] B.
Y. Zhao, L. Huang, J. Stribling, S. C. Rhea, A. D. Joseph and J. D.
Kubiatowicz, "Tapestry: A Resilient Global-scale Overlay for Service
Deployment", IEEE JSAC, 22(1), pp. 41-53.
- [ZMZ08]
Ying Zhang, Z. Morley Mao, Ming Zhang, "Effective Diagnosis of Routing Disruptions from End Systems",
Proc. of Symposium on Networked System Design and
Implementation (NSDI), May 2008.
- [ZZZ+05]
L. Zhuang, F. Zhou, B. Y. Zhao and A. Rowstron, "Cashmere: Resilient
Anonymous Routing", Proc. of Symposium on Networked System Design and
Implementation (NSDI), May 2005.